Wednesday, December 20, 2006


just wanna say tat im getting old..... b-day!!!

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

debar berakhir...

ha ha aku berpakaian merah, bertali leher hitam, seluar hitam untuk temuduga pg td. slh sorg calon yg datang awal dan di temuduga awal.
aku dah lega sekarang, yg tadinya berdebar2 dah kembali berdenyut spt biasa.
aku dah buat tg terbaik dan menunjukkan yg terbaik.
sekarang, yg perlu aku buat adalah tawakal dan doa moga2 jwtn tu sangkut kat aku...wakaka ka

* klu dpt, aku nak buat kenduri ahh..jmput kwn2 dtg mkn.

cakap pasal mkn, jap lg ada jamuan 'berbayar' kat Parkson(whr i do my part time). aku dah byr RM 6, tak mungkin aku nak lepaskan juadah mkn tgh hari, mgkn jua utk ptg skali dgn free kan? mesti pergi!!!!

Tuesday, November 14, 2006


ha ha tak tau la, mcm ne blh dpt panggilan temuduga ni sbb pilihan tu yg paling last dlm senarai yg aku pohon. tapi apa2 pun, for d past 2-3 days aku mcm dah arif ttg hal2 imigresen( ye ke?) yg aku sendiri pun tak tau sblm ni.
almaklumlah, kn buat skit research sblm bhdpn dgn soalan2 yg munkin memeningkan kpala hotak aku yg skit blurr ni. he he. big thnk u untk kwn2 yg bagi sokongan, doa, bantuan dr segi tlg mcr material, n tips. it really helps me a lots. THK U THK U
apa2pun, ketakutan ini blum berakhir selagi, hari yg ditunggu blum tiba. esok!!!
all i need to do now, is pray n get ready physically n mentally b4 d sun rises tomorrow!!

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

saja letak

just love her!!!

Monday, July 31, 2006


its been a while
n life still d same!!

Sunday, July 02, 2006

World Cup story : ishk..ishk football

Pertama Argentina kalah dgn Jerman (nasib baik team ni pilihan ke-4 aku)
pastu tu match smlm berturut2 kalah. Englang klh penalti kemudian Brazil pula...
hishk...sedih sedih sedih

Thursday, June 22, 2006

Nerd TEST User Test: The Evilness Test. User Test: The Music Test.

I am nerdier than 7% of all people. Are you nerdier? Click here to find out!

bad day!!!

dah dua hari, batuk aku teruk. nak tido, mak buat apa pun susah. tak selesa langsung.
rasa mcm nak tercabut je tekak aku ni.

Thursday, June 15, 2006

life's boring!!

ha ha tinggal seminggu lagi!!!

Sunday, April 09, 2006

Speak ur Mind

tak kisah apa yg org nak cakap ttg sikap baru aku. tapi inilah aku, aku jd lebih terbuka. tak puas hati cakap paling tidak pun flying kick aku kena muka org. dah ramai yg kena. baru2 ni sorg bdak ppuan, semua jadi saksi. jd hairan sbb tak pernah nampak aku mcm tu sblm ni.
tapi aku dah malas nak simpan2 marah atau dendam lagi. kena buku lima ni lagi puas. jadi jgn main2 dgn aku.

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

MyBro and MyTeam

i told my bro about MyTeam audition held in stadium likas KK. he was very exciting n that moment i knew this is one of his chance to prove his talent. he has been playing soccer since he was lil kid and the only thing that he good at. he had about 20 cups all from best player to top scorer n always been 'imported' to another team.

so da audition day, everything going well. about thousand participants registered since early mornin'. he got under 12 secs -100 m run for the first round n proceed to next round. he played well n again went to the final round. 12 best players fight each other to make it to da final 4 ppls. but unfortunately, it was da guy next to him called. of course, he was very upset. but reaching that level was very satisfiying moment for him.

hye at least, shebby gave him lotsa encouragement "awak main mmg hebat, one of the best ever but the only problem was you dont hve much stamina" so he made a deal with my bro " u go home, train hard n came back to sarawak audition, i'll let u in to da final round". thats sure a big endorsement!!

7 football club managers also asked for my bro no.(thats great) n he was interviewed by TV3 n AXN. dont forget to watch MyTeam n MYBRO in action every tue, 10 pm on TV3.

Sunday, February 19, 2006!!

It's been a while since my blog last updated. Actually, i wasn't too busy to write down something for the past few weeks. It just not gonna make any different coz i pretty much didn't do anything.
Well, i bought a pair of new boxer yesterday(whatever..stupid!!)
Ok, sebetulnya aku dah buka balik gerai nasi lemak aku.ROON CORNER that's da best name i ever could think of. After a very long renovation, now, i have a better, bigger n much beautiful stall. plus there's nu edition of my new recipes. ha ha ha .Alhamdullilah.
Hasil jualan dalam seminggu 2 ni agak memberangsangkan. dan kalau2 rezeki murah berterusan pasti 'kerja keras'(not really for me. coz my mom did all the works, i just wake up early, helping her do da packaging n selling) pasti berbaloi.
Apa2pun, aku tak tetapkan target yang tinggi sbb urusniaga sebegini pasti ada turun, naik/ untung, ruginya. dan kalau mengikut perkiraan, hujung bulan nanti boleh la 'enjoy' skit.

However, this is only temporary for 3 reasons:

1.NOT a Lifetime Career.
unless, it gives me a fix n luxurious income, i might consider a second thought. plus it's not really something that i like to do for the rest of my life.

2. SAVE-ing
i am very dedicated to study. dan kalau dikira dari segi kemampuan mental, masa, usia aku masih mau belajar sampai peringkat yg tertinggi untuk bbrp tahun lagi. jd sekurang2nya apa yg aku dapat ni sedikit sebnyk dpt membantu aku dari segi kewangan. least,i have SOMETHING TO DO.
daripada aku sibuk tidur, tgk TV dan menyusahkan mak aku kat rmah. lebih baik aku buat sesuatu untuk mengisi masa lapang aku yang terbuang. sambil2 menunggu tawaran kerja dan belajar. aku boleh dapat duit dan aku pun tak rugi apa2 kan?

Doa aku agar apa yg aku rancangkan dapat di laksanakan dengan baik. selebihnya, aku serahkan pada Tuhan.