Thursday, April 28, 2005

Reez List : 10 Most Wanted(i want 'em) Malaysian Chics!

1.siti Nurhaliza
2.Amber chia
3.nasha aziz
4.tengku azura
5.deanna yusof
6.azura zainal
7.fasha sanda

Balik Kampung...

im still here d melaka, menunggu janji sista1 (dah brp minggu dah) untuk pindah rumah baru. kata terbaru yang mebbe kami akan pindah esok or day after tomorrow. but apa2pun kami semestinya kena berpindah sebelum penghujung april(2 hari lagi) bak kata tuan empunya rumah la.satu alasan nak cepat pindah supaya saya dapat jumpa balik member2 lama.

my aunt baru je call pagi ni bertanya kalau kalau saya ingin nak balik kampung(mestilah nak!!).
dia cakap lebih baik kalau saya ada di sana, keluarga dekat dan she can find a better job for me since saya dah masuk dlm senarai graduan menganggur sejak 2 minggu lalu. but still i have to consider many things before i make my decision. dan saya ada 2 hari sebelum saya tel. balik makcik dan beritahu keputusan saya. jikalau saya memilih tidak, then life must go on KL kena cari kerja baru pulak. but if i choose yes, not only i get a new job but a free flight ticket to go back home. jawapan nya agak jelas tapi i dont make any decision yet.
mungkin lepas ni sebelum tido kena fikir sedalam2nya kebaikan dan keburukan pilihan2 dan keputusan hasil dari pilihan saya itu nanti.

disebalik semua kerunsingan, hari ini saya berpeluang untuk 'relax' kat gunung ledang resort. yup, mandi sungai sebab dah brp tahun tak rasa sejuk air sungai. he he memang best sampai tak sedar dah hampir 6 jam berendam kat sungai.. he he w/pun sejuk tapi bak kata org bercinta, lepas rindu.rindu kat sungai.

Friday, April 22, 2005

Qs and As!!

Q;What happened for the past 3 days?
ada tiga perkara menarik yang berlaku, pertamanya kejadian aku diganggu dengan lelaki gila-x, katak strikes back dan last skali 'my lonely'.

Q;My lonely?
he he bukan apa sunyi aku duk kat rumah sorang2, dah la TV dah angkat pi rumah baru, kakak pula pi KL, H/phone pulak rosak nasib baik ada cd walkman yg baru dlm minggu ni asyik2 dengar lagu 3DD,swithcfoot,Evanesence kira cam dah hafal dah semua lagu2 dorang.

Q;What about the frog?
semua pun tau yang aku dah buang katak tu jauh2 kan, but yg ajaibnya 2 hari lepas dia datang lagi.(tapi cam katak lain - mebbe member dia).so, geram punya pasal aku letak katak tu bawah tudung saji. so jadilah "katak di bawah tudung saji"

Q;Hmm..tertanya2 ttg lelaki gila-x tu?
sebenarnya, lelaki tu tauke kedai makan yang selalu aku pergi. mmg dari dulu lagi dia dah keep eyeing on me but i thought it was nuthing more than customer-seller business. but ada suatu hari tu dia dtg pas tu tanya yg bukan2.errgh...

Q;Any plans for the next few days?
well, tunggu nak pindah rumah dulu, baru fikir nak cari kerja mebbe pegi agensi(ikut cdgn kwn2) pastu kena mula dari awal la...

Tuesday, April 19, 2005

Aku masih di sini.....

sepatutnya semalam saya dan kakak1 sudah pun berangkat ke KL, ke rumah baru kami. namun atas sebab-sebab yang tak dapat dielakkan, aku masih berada di Melaka bumi bertuah ini(mungkin sehingga akhir minggu ini).

labih sukar lagi saya terpaksa ditinggalkan bersendirian bersama anak buah(6 tahun), maksudnya saya kena uruskan persekolahan sementara utk 2-3 hari ...kena bangun awal, hantar pegi sekolah then kena buat makanan..ceh teringat macam dulu2. but i take that as a challenge, a duty to help my sister.

hari tu saya dah tgk rupa rumah baru kami dan im so happy coz i'll get a better n bigger room.funny thing is i already plan for what i am gonna do with my bedroom. room's color,with lotsa posters he he he. lepas tu bila dah sampai kat sana nanti, baru la teruskan perancangan nak buat apa seterusnya dengan hidup ni.

cerita pasal katak misteri yg tak lagi muncul, ni ada pula makhluk baru yang menghuni atas ceiling bedroom saya.i dont hv any clue what the creature is but benda tu suka mencakar, 'berlari'(terutamanya waktu siang). rasa takut jugak tapi malas nak ambil tahu sbb nanti tiba2 dia serang ke apa ke? sapa susah..aku jugak..

Monday, April 18, 2005

Katak Misteri dan, Aku

"Jump in the waterSweet little princessLet me introduce his frognessYou alone can get him singingHe's all puffed up, wanna be your kingOh you can do itC'mon Lady kiss that frog" kiss that frog -peter gabriel

this is not a fairytale nor manipulation of my imagination from 'princess and the frog prince'(cant remember the title but sounds like that) but a REAL,magical story happened for the past week at my bedroom.

last month i was visiting my sister( not to meet her) but just want to pick stuff from my bedroom.but more surprisingly when i found out i had a new company behind myb/room door, someone small called "Pseudacris triseriata" (i dunno whr the hell i get that name) actually its a brown frog . but for the first time, i treated it well and i just let it stay since im rarely sleep in my sis1 house.

but month later(bulan ni la..minggu ni secara spesifik).i kinda freak out when i came back and met my companion right whr i left it and amazingly, still alive. so, i took this long stick and a big plastic and removed it(the day i discovered that im also a Ranidaphobia-afraid of frog) outside the house but only to find that the mysterious frog appeared to be in the same spot next morning. i did this couple of times but till next day it seemed that the frog knew where to go. trust me when i said ive tried everything, threw it to the abandoned-well behind our house and threw it to' longkang ' but the frog will always knows how to return.

but for the last time, last night i t kissed the frog and it turned out to be the most beautiful
woman ive ever seen.its avril lavigne ok ok i got carried away... i just put the frog outside the house and told 'her' to go away " u r not belong here" and when i woke up this morning, the frog is not there anymore....

Saturday, April 16, 2005

My world keeps spinning backwards and upside down

"I wanted to find somewhere to hideAnd I opened up and left those fears insideAnd I wanted to be anyone elseOnly to find that there was noone there but meBut I woke up to real lifeAnd I realised its not worth running from anymore"-the real life 3DD

everyone knows that im no longer working at the office i used to spend my7hours everyday. rude way on how i sent my resign letta via fax and without calling 'em to say goodbye. i felt kinda guilty(esp to my cousin) who worked hard to introduce me to this company but i was just leaving 'em without word, in return.

my routine for the past 3 days totally different from the ordinary day ive ever lived.
i was just staring on the empty ceiling at my bedroom:doing nuthing: pretending that everything will be alright. but still afraid to face the truth that i have to move on.

kalau bukan kerana kakak1 yang mendesak untuk mengikutinya (utk urusan perniagaan) mungkin alasan untuk berhenti kerja tidak akan saya lakukan begitu awal. ya dengan janji kononnya saya akan mendapat kerja yang lagi OK, saya terperangkap lalu akhirnya 'yang dikendong berciciran,yang dikejar tak dapat'. Malang, sungguh malang tapi masalah tidak akan berakhir di sini kerana 2@3 hari lagi , sy pula terpaksa(ive no other choice) berpindah ke KL bersamanya.

Apa2 pun buat masa ni, saya terpaksa berdepan dengan sepupu saya dan ceritakan segala supaya atau sekurang2nya kemarahan dia reda sedikit.

Thursday, April 14, 2005

3 Doors Down

i bought 3 Doors down cd yesterday coz i saw their new Video " let me go" on MTV which is very cool.
i love them very much and their songs never failed me. here's my fave from 3DD latest album -seventeen days

"Be Somebody"
The shades gone up
Mothers staring down
She don't know where he's been
Or how long he's been out
She said 'Boy i'm tired of waiting up
while your out with your friends'
He said 'Mom im tired and
im living my life the best way that I can

'Cause i'm trying to be somebody
I'm not trying to be somebody else
This life is mine
i'm livingDon't you know me?
I wont ever let you down

The day has come
The sun is moving on
She don't know where he'll go
Or when he's coming home
She said 'Son take care,
don't let your dreams get too far out of sight'
He said 'I love you now, don't worry about me
you know i'll be fine'

Cause i'm trying to be somebody
I'm not trying to be somebody else
This life is mine i'm living
Don't you know me?
I wont ever let you down

Pening kuasa Dua

i had these complicated things need to be solved today. but i don't even know where to start with. i made a list, put on priority but the result turned out the same. i really need someone to help me !!!