Saturday, April 16, 2005

My world keeps spinning backwards and upside down

"I wanted to find somewhere to hideAnd I opened up and left those fears insideAnd I wanted to be anyone elseOnly to find that there was noone there but meBut I woke up to real lifeAnd I realised its not worth running from anymore"-the real life 3DD

everyone knows that im no longer working at the office i used to spend my7hours everyday. rude way on how i sent my resign letta via fax and without calling 'em to say goodbye. i felt kinda guilty(esp to my cousin) who worked hard to introduce me to this company but i was just leaving 'em without word, in return.

my routine for the past 3 days totally different from the ordinary day ive ever lived.
i was just staring on the empty ceiling at my bedroom:doing nuthing: pretending that everything will be alright. but still afraid to face the truth that i have to move on.

kalau bukan kerana kakak1 yang mendesak untuk mengikutinya (utk urusan perniagaan) mungkin alasan untuk berhenti kerja tidak akan saya lakukan begitu awal. ya dengan janji kononnya saya akan mendapat kerja yang lagi OK, saya terperangkap lalu akhirnya 'yang dikendong berciciran,yang dikejar tak dapat'. Malang, sungguh malang tapi masalah tidak akan berakhir di sini kerana 2@3 hari lagi , sy pula terpaksa(ive no other choice) berpindah ke KL bersamanya.

Apa2 pun buat masa ni, saya terpaksa berdepan dengan sepupu saya dan ceritakan segala supaya atau sekurang2nya kemarahan dia reda sedikit.

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